Whether you’re dealing with a bad boss or a bad manager, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. There are thousands of other people out there dealing with the same issues. There are even resources available to help you work through these challenges. Avoid micromanagement Having a bad boss or a bad manager can … Watch “Dealing With a Bad Boss or Bad Manager” »
The art of wearing eye-catching clothing is not new to New Yorkers. It was done in the Gilded Age, during New York Fashion Week, and in Carnegie Hall. In the Gilded Age, the city saw great economic growth, and people wore clothing that reflected this growth. During the Gilded Age The Gilded Age was a … Watch “New Yorkers Artistic and Romantic Wearing Eye-Catching Clothing” »
As an AP student, you’ve probably experienced a lot of different activities and traditions at your school. You might have even been part of some new ones that haven’t been around for long yet. In the coming months, you’ll probably see even more activities pop up. – from dances to concerts and sports to clubs. … Watch “What’s Your Grade and What Do You Think Your School Should be?” »
Some interesting facts about the Hotel Chelsea are the size of the pool and the famous guests who have stayed there. The hotel is the oldest in the world – it opened in 705 CE. It is located on the border of France and Switzerland. It also has the largest pool in Europe. Hotel Arbez … Watch “Interesting Facts About the Hotel Chelsea” »
Entrepreneurs can inspire themselves by focusing on the values and traits of people they admire. In addition, they can look for examples of people who have led successful businesses. To help you find inspiration, you can audit your strengths and values. Then, identify someone who has been able to inspire you. Entrepreneurs share moments that … Watch “Who Has Inspired Your Company?” »
What would New York City be without some amazing fashion? And what better way to show your love of the city than by finding some of the most eye-catching clothing this season? With so many amazing options on offer, it can be hard to know where to start. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. … Watch “New York City’s Trendiest Clothing: Find a Summer Interest” »
How to Connect with Others. The first step in connecting with others is understanding what connects us to the world. In order to connect with others, we need to understand our surroundings and how they impact our lives. This can be done through the exploration of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. One … Watch “Connecting with Others: A step by Step Guide” »
Facebook Advertising is all about targeting your audience and making sure your ads are relevant and practical. Whether you’re looking to reach a global audience with targeted ads, or just want to get the most out of your Facebook Ads campaigns in specific regions, we’ve got you covered. Here are some tips for getting started: … Watch “Facebook Advertising: Tips for Making the Most of Your Ads” »
When preparing compost from your kitchen waste, there are several things you should do before the pile starts to decompose. Make sure that the pile is placed in a shady location, and that it receives adequate moisture. Also, avoid placing your compost bin in an area where fruit flies can attack it. Compost keepers absorb … Watch “How to Prepare Compost From Kitchen Waste” »
Cyclones are rotating storms that form over warm bodies of water. They are most common in the tropics and subtropics, but can occur almost anywhere there is an ample supply of moisture and a conducive atmospheric environment. Cyclones form due to the synoptic scale circulation of air known as a Rossby cell. In layman’s terms, … Watch “How do cyclones are formed and their causes” »